The European specialist for concrete and material handling equipment on building sites and public works
Laydown Concrete Skip
This column skip is designed to enable concrete to be poured into narrow shuttering or columns. It is a rollover type skip whereby the skip sits in the horizontal position for filling and reverts to the vertical when in use. Uses a TI mechanism (European patent). Very enclosing cone to get back cement grout leakage when pouring concrete. Toolless removable cone for easy cleaning. The gate is made of abrasive high resistance steel to improve its lifetime.

Transport of earth, debris, wastes and concrete on building sites. The pelican safety hook of the AUTOVID CP allows the crane operator to use the skip in complete autonomy. The skip lays on the place of discharge. The crane operator gives some slack to the crane cable, unlocks the hook and lifts back the skip. By this operation the skip tilts to the front and can be discharged. The reverse operation is possible.
Self Tipping Waste Skip
Collecting, storing, carrying and discharging of all kind of loose products, waste and shock-resistant products. It's use is very easy. By disengaging the locking system of the skip, the forklift truck operator controls the discharge of the skip form his driving position. The skip comes back automatically in locked position after tipping the contents by the reverse lever operation.

Upright Skip
This column skip is designed to enable concrete to be poured into narrow shuttering or columns. TI mechanism (European patent). Very enclosing cone to get back cement grout leakage when pouring concrete. Tool less removable cone for easy cleaning. The gate is made of abrasive high resistance steel to improve its lifetime .
Crane Man Basket
For exceptional, urgent and non-repetitive work, as well as inspection visits or other interventions, the range of NAT / NAB crane man cages allows the transport of one or several persons to a place which would otherwise be inaccessible, because of access constraints.
Designed in accordance with the regulation, these crane man cages can only be used exceptionally.